IT Project Manager

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Angajator: HR Gold
  • IT Hardware
  • IT Software
  • Tip job: full-time
    Nivel job: 1 - 5 ani experienta
  • Actualizat la: 19.04.2019
    Remote work: On-site
    Scurta descriere a companiei

    HR Gold este o companie de resurse umane ce ofera servicii de recrutare si selectie personal.

    Ne dorim sa fim un partener strategic pentru clientii nostri, sa selectam impreuna cei mai buni angajati pentru posturile disponbile. Vizam atat companii ce au un departament intern de recrutare, insa datorita volumului ridicat de posturi disponibile, externalizeaza o parte a recrutarii, cat si companiile ce nu au departament intern de recrutare.

    Totodata oferim posibilitatea potentialilor candidati ce sunt in cautarea unui loc de munca sa isi gasesca jobul dorit, luand in calcul experienta anterioara pentru posturile ce solicita acest lucru si informatiile specifice sau ii directionam pe candidatii ce sunt la inceput de drum sa isi aleaga un parcurs al carierei.


    • Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, related field or Management;
    • Certifications in project management (PRINCE 2 Certification, PMP, Project Manager IT CNFPA, ITIL), would be a plus;
    • 2+ years of experience on a similar position;
    • Excellent English written and verbal communication skills;
    • Excellent planning, organization and coordination skills;
    • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills as well as negotiation and presentations knowledge.


    Role description: The IT Project Manager will act as the sole coordinator for company’s IT projects. In this role the IT PM will be responsible for the delivery and implementation of overall projects by being compliant with all the bilateral contractual standards and conditions. The IT PM will provide quality services by establishing and enforcing organization standards.

    We are currently recuiting an IT Project Manager in Bucharest for our partner, an IT&C service provider. The Company has various technologies certifications such as: data center, virtualization, and enterprise cloud infrastructure and business intelligence.


    • Accomplishes the projects objectives by forecasting the human and financial resources and provides the delivery of the project goal within the agreed timeframe;
    • Ensures the efficient selecting, orienting and training of the employees to build the proper project team;
    • Coordinates the intermediate stages of projects in order to minimize the deliverables deviations;
    • Coordinates the final project phase by managing customer satisfaction and minimizing the impact within project transition period.

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    • Trainings & certifications;
    • Exposure to an international environment;
    • Flexible schedule with 30% of remote work.

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